Invitation from Reg Phillips to all
Many members will have fond memories of Tony Mirfield, known universally as Mirt.
Mirt was a long time member of the Club starting as a player and moving on as a committee member and selector but principally remembered for keeping the Club playing record on Mirt's Board which he meticulously updated with the match day scores of the senior teams.
He was one of a kind and he dearly loved the Club but was intransigent in his vies and would not and never did change.
He banned himself from the Club for some unfathomed reason and could not be persuaded to return under any circumstances and news of his demise did not reach us until some time following so the Club never said goodbye.
To show that the club has not forgotten him we will hold a sponsored Memorial to Mirt lunch prior to the home game against Huddersfield on 21st September at 12.30 in the Swans Nest.
Entry will be £15 to include buffet lunch with any surplus going to club funds. Book you place HERE
Any anecdotes or memories to :