As a result of the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic, the Selby RUFC AGM that was scheduled to take place in June was postponed due to "lockdown". The re-arranged date was scheduled for Monday 21st September 2020.
Further restrictions meant that we were unable to hold the AGM at the Clubhouse and a Board decision was made to present the AGM reports to VPs and those members that had registered a place at the AGM via email.
The Board met, virtually, on Monday 21st September and at that meeting the Board Members considered emergency matters around Election of Officers (to enable a Transition to take place and to ensure that matters concerning the most expedient manner of running the Club continue to be addressed) and consideration of the Financial Report for the Year to April 2020.
The Meeting was then adjourned, and an Extraordinary General Meeting will be called at the earliest convenient date which will again be open to all members and at which formal acceptance of the Annual Financial Report will hopefully take place.