Q. How and where do I get started?
You can play O2 Touch rugby at Selby RUFC on Thursday evenings at 7.15 pm, weather dependent. If you require any further information after reading and watching the videos the please get in contact with one of the following:
Richard Nicholson 07712 574113
Q. How is this different to the rugby I’ve seen on TV?
Touch doesn’t have the big hits, the scrums, the lineouts, rucks or mauls, making it a quicker, simpler and more accessible game. The tackle is replaced by a minimal contact touch but rugby’s principals of attack, defence, passing and evasive running remain. This makes it a perfect introduction or route back into rugby. Find out more about the game no the Why Play Touch page.
Q. How many people are required to play?
You only need a handful of people to have a throw around and a bit of fun with touch. You can play with anything from three-a-side to 15-a-side. Fully trained O2 Touch operators will be present at the Selby RUFC O2 Touch Centre to ensure that a session will happen with whatever numbers are available. Most organised games are six-a-side. Read up on the rules of touch on the How To Play Touch page.
Q. What commitment do I need to make?
There are three types of O2 Touch events to suit varying levels of commitment:
Find a TouchBase or a TouchLeague in your area.
Q. How big is the pitch?
At a TouchBase session the playing space will largely be determined by the number of players. As a guide you need to have about two metres width for each person playing – a full size touch pitch will be up to 70 metres in length by 50 metres wide. You can fit two touch pitches on a normal rugby pitch with the touchlines of the pitch becoming the try lines.
Q. Should I have special equipment to play?
The Selby RUFC O2 Touch Centre will have all the kit and equipment needed to play touch. Consider the weather then just bring along the sort of kit you might wear to the gym or if you were going out for a run.
Q. What are the rules?
At Selby RUFC O2 Touch Centre the O2 Touch Operator will be fully trained in the rules of touch. If you want to do some homework first then check out the videos on the How To Play Touch page that explain the rules of touch.
Q. Do I need to be super fit to play?
No, you should be in reasonably good health, but in the process of playing touch you’ll also get fitter.
Q. How long will I be running around for?
A TouchBase session lasts between 60 - 75 mins.